Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas 1999

In March, I contracted Christi's illness: the whimsical idea to move entered my mind I brushed it off as a passing fancy, took two metaphorical aspirins and resolved to wake up in the morning cured. The idea did not leave me, and after pondering it properly, I decided that I would move as soon as the school year ended. After telling Christi, she decided that her time had finally come and that she too would move. Like pilgrims on a hajj to Mecca, we both wanted to move to Utah. I arrived in my big orange U-haul in June; she followed in her bigger orange U-haul in July. Thus, we solved our problem about what to do with our communal property (the washer and dryer). See, it would have been a real dilemma: Do we split the pair up? Who gets the locomotive-imitating washing machine? Who gets the faithful and true dryer? Do we sell them and split the "profit?" Since we continued to room together, we could effectively postpone our decision perhaps indefinitely.

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