Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas 2020 Photos

In keeping with the blog title "All washed up" here is a picture of Eli taking our laundry to the wash room in the apartment complex. One thing that I enjoyed about apartment living as that all the laundry could be washed at the same time--four loads, four machines, one switch to the dryers. And because it was all heavy, Corey and the boys carried it too and from the apartment. Everyone pitched in to fold, and laundry was done in under two hours. In the past, laundry was my responsibility and it took the whole day: wash a load, wait 40 minutes. Switch it, start the second load, wait 40 minutes. Empty the first load, switch the second load, start the third load, wait 40 minutes, meanwhile fold the first load. And so forth ...

Sea Lion, our pandemic pup. We didn't know when we picked him up at the beginning of spring break that we would be home indefinitely to get him acclimated to our home.



Corey and the boys prepare to go camping in Utah.

Alex shows off his origami mask

Alex laughs. He's a funny guy.

Samples of Alex's Origami